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Stuart Mel Wilson:

SOlo Exhibition 



Artist Personal Statement - Stuart Mel Wilson 


Before I go too far into the work that I have put together for the show, I will state that you can ignore my words.


As an artist I understand that by showing work in a gallery, I am giving it away to you, the public, the people who read this and those that do not. But for those that stand in front of the work. See that art talks where the artist can not. So on that note while you are in front of it, go where your mind wants too. I will however help out for those that want it and insert some references behind where I am as an artist and where my mind was when i was marking the work. Help build you a narrative. These are opening statement as my answer are in the work.


Art is a language, my own relationship with dyslexia and my own process of information in a different way (Atypical). I started off my thinking on this, the fascination as to how we all process the information that flies past us each day.


Myths, the telling of myths historically, modern and personally. The literal taking of the old myths and characters from literature then using their narrative in a contemporary context. There is a want to understand the working of us humans (the hairless ape, animal) to focus on are mental or philosophical world, the world we create more than the physical world we live in, ie. looking at are social behaviour.


Throughout the use of materials discusses the value of art and its worth. Playing with the positioning of work to talk to the subconscious (the grand and maybe naive and over ambitious aim).


The history of art. The role of art today (the role of me personally as an artist). The use of historical pieces (mainly paintings) as a reference, to talk of their grandeur. Playing with the ideas of the old masters.


The task, the labour is a starting point. The use of drawing is to use my one person's hands making it personally almost like a signature  (hard to fake are copy). Much like Michelangelo Sistine Chapel is his signature on the world. Well the was the idea born about ten years ago, but i'm still using drawing as to show and talk about labour intensive works.


I hope that this helps and please enjoy the work.



Stuart Mel Wilson


This project is funded by Arts Council England and Supported by Sunderland Culture This exhibition is supported through the Unlock the City strand of Sunderland Culture's Great Place programme, which supports the development of artists and creative businesses in Sunderland, and is funded by Arts Council England and National Lottery Heritage Fund.


With thanks to project partners MBC Ceramics & Arts Wellbeing CIC and the University of Sunderland School of Art & Design and Vane. 

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Hills Art Centre 

17-18 Waterloo Place 




Monday: 9 am-4 pm 
Tuesday: 9 am-4 pm 
Wednesday: 9 am-4 pm
Thursday: 9 am-4 pm
Friday: 9 am-4 pm
Saturday: 9 am-4 pm
Sunday: Closed


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